Why not?
I'm not using an RSS feed on it - so I don't see new topics of conversation and I forget to regularly check it for news and information.
There are so many great resources - that I just can't keep up with them all.
It was fun to go back and look through it again. I was disappointed to see that there hasn't been a huge amount of information posted there. We have the same issue with the MEMO ning. It seems that people may stop in to take a look but they don't see it as a resource or come back often to visit and gather new information or take part in the forums.
I wonder how we can change that - so that these resources become powerful ones that media specialists view as necessary tools of their jobs. I think WebJunction has done a great job of organizing materials and offering courses - and I don't really know the usage statistics, so perhaps I'm speaking out of turn - but I'm guessing there could be more traffic to make it more successful.